While going through all my previous posts, I remember nowhere I have mentioned what I do for a living. Its not that I am a born millionaire and have ample time to spend in various leisure of life and write about it. After all “Papi pet ke liye kuch na kuch karna hi padta hain”. Well I am working as a Software Engineer (Who isn’t!!) in an organization called Oracle for last 3 years in a city called Bengalooru (Kanadiga-Istyle). I am working as an Oracle DBA here. I have a typical 7 to 4 job (I know 9-5 would have greater impact) which I normally spend sitting in front of my laptop thinking what I am going to do with my life and is this what I wanted to do in life. But again I am forced to use the same words again “Papi pet ke liye kuch na kuch karna hi padta hain".

While going through all this dilemma in my professional life I have recently finished
OCM (Oracle Certified Master) in Oracle 10g.It is an exam which is conducted by oracle very scarcely in a year and I have know few people who traveled to other cities to give this exam. The exam take place in a span of two days where participants have to work on real life scenarios and it covers basically all features of oracle database broadly. I will not be able to disclose much as I am I legally not allowed to divulge details at such a public forum due to some agreement which I signed before the exam.
As far as I am concerned all I can say I hope this places me in a better position to use my, what
Tim Harford would say, “Power of Scarcity”(Reference :
UnderCover Economist), if you know what I mean!!!
Sarkar, Amazing achievement ! A nice post too. I'd say its time for you to Quit ORACLE!